CORYA: Study Visit at ZSI Vienna

The second session of our study visit in Vienna in the framework of the CORYA project, was held at Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), our project partners! 🤗  This session was highly insightful: 📌 Presentations by Gorazd Weiss (Senior Expert and Head of Department “Research Policy and Development) and

CORYA: Study Visit at OeAD Vienna

Our study visit in Vienna in the framework of the CORYA Project started at OEAD – Center for Citizen Science, where 6 young researchers and 3 youth workers from Albania were introduced to the concept of citizen science by Elisabeth Schauerman (Project Manager, Public Science at OEAD). 📌 The

Final In touch Conference

The final conference of the “IN TOUCH” project took place from December 11–14, 2024, in Cagliari, Sardinia, bringing together partners, stakeholders, and participants from the Western Balkans and EU countries. This event marked the successful conclusion of a project dedicated to enhancing the inclusion of young people with disabilities

One-Day Training on the Implementation of Qualitative ESC Mobilities 

On December 13, 2024, in Shkodra, our organization conducted a one-day training aimed at enhancing the capacity of youth workers from accredited organizations and municipalities to successfully located in the north of Albania to implement European Solidarity Corps (ESC) projects. The training welcomed 17 participants representing 14 organizations, focusing

Welcome to CORYA 

🙌 Introducing the CORYA Project!  🙌 Beyond Barriers Association and Centre for Social Innovation are thrilled to introduce CORYA (Collaborative Open and Responsible Youth Engagement in Albania), a sub-granted project under the Horizon Europe-funded REINFORCING initiative. Over the next year, CORYA will work to: ✅ Introduce the Open and

How to Implement Qualitative ESC Mobilities?

On December 6, 2024, in Tirana, Beyond Barriers Association in the role of Contact Point for the E+ and ESC Programmes in Albania hosted a one-day training focused on enhancing the capacity of youth workers from accredited organizations, and municipalities to successfully implement European Solidarity Corps (ESC) projects.  The

Partners Meeting- Media Active

The second full-day meeting of the MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans project took place on December 4th in an online format, bringing together eight participants, including three representatives from CDER, the coordinating organization, and delegates from five partner organizations. The meeting focused on several key areas, including the evaluation of completed


CORYA (“Cooperative Open & Responsible research on Youth engagement in Albania”) is a sub-granted project by REINFORCING (“Responsible tEerritories and Institutions eNable and Foster Open Research and inClusive Innovation for traNsitions Governance”) project’s 1st Incubator Call, within the framework of the Programme “HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-40”. The scope of CORYA is: To


A T O O L K I T F O R E N V I R O N M E N T A L E D U C A T I O N W I T H Y O U T H EUAR – Environmental Understanding, Action, and Reflection is

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