Youth-CARE: Të bëjmë edukimin mjedisor për të rinjtë në Ballkanin Perëndimor një realitet

“Youth–Capacity building, Action and Responsibility for the Environment” (Youth-CARE) është njëpërpjekje e strukturuar e 5 organizatave të shoqërisë civile për të sjellë në qendër të vëmendjes për tërinjtë që jetojnë në zona të pafavorizuara dhe që janë në kontakt të drejtpërdrejtë me burimet natyroremjedisore, temën e mbrojetjes së mjedisit.Projekti,


A T O O L K I T F O R E N V I R O N M E N T A L E D U C A T I O N W I T H Y O U T H EUAR – Environmental Understanding, Action, and Reflection is

Dissemination activity in Albania

Beyond Barriers Association organized an engaging activity for Erasmus Days on October 29th in Tirana, Albania. Around 25 young people from different cities of Albania participated to learn about Erasmus+ and ESC programs and exchange experiences with past participants. They discovered opportunities available through these programs and explored different

Disemination Activity in Albania- upcycling

We had a great time at the Beyond Barriers office on Friday! 20 younsters from Tirana and other cities in Albania came together to test a workshop from the EUAR document that will be accesible to the public very soon. We turned plastic bottles into bright planters and planted

Comparative Study- Youth Environmental Education

This study is compiled within the framework of the EU co-funded Youth Care Project, presents case studies on young people’s understanding of environmental issues and protection in targeted communities across Albania, Greece, and Montenegro. These studies gather primary data to explore young people’s awareness and knowledge of environmental mechanisms

Youth Exchange on Environment Education

On 5-10 July we successfully implemented the Youth Exchange Activity of Youth Care Project! This was an important milestone of the project where 25 young people from Albania, Greece, Italy and Montenegro tested out 15 tools to be used by youth workers and educators when working with Environmental Issues.

Youth exchange on the way- Youth leaders meeting

In preparation for the upcoming youth exchange in Plav from July 10th to 16th, the youth leaders convened to review the program details and finalize responsibilities. Participants confirmed the travel logistics, including coordination of arrivals and local transportation. They outlined the daily schedule, emphasizing workshops focused on environmental education

Youth Care Partners Meeting -June

The Youth-CARE team held a meeting on June 5th to coordinate preparations for the upcoming July youth exchange in Montenegro. Discussions covered travel logistics for participants coming from various European countries, with clear responsibilities assigned for organizing transportation and ensuring timely arrivals. The team also reviewed the planned activities,

Partners Meeting- Youth care 8th May

The Youth-CARE team met on May 8th to review progress, plan the upcoming youth exchange, and discuss project deliverables. Research activities are progressing across all partner countries, with workshops and community projects underway. Social media engagement continues to grow, and partners will collaborate to ensure regular updates. The youth

Partners meeting- Youth Care

The Youth-CARE meeting on April 9th focused on key project updates, including research progress, dissemination strategies, and planning for the upcoming youth exchange. Participants shared updates on research activities and discussed ways to enhance social media engagement to better connect with young people. The team also reviewed the Dissemination,

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