Kick-off meeting within the MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans project was held in Sarajevo
Representatives of partner organizations gathered on April 15 in Sarajevo for the first project team meeting within the project “MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans,” which is being implemented with the support of the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme.
Partners had the opportunity to get to know each other better and discuss various topics important for the project implementation, such as project management, implementation of project activities, preparation of the training course to be held in Belgrade, financial aspects of the project, reporting, project risks, monitoring and evaluation, project promotion and dissemination, etc. The meeting provided a good foundation for further quality project management and successful implementation of upcoming project activities. Bravo (Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities), the project partner from Bosnia and Herzegovina, was an excellent host of the meeting, providing the best possible conditions for productive work.
The overall objective of this two-years Project is to continue with building capacities of youth NGOs globally and with developing new high-quality open education resources (OER) in the field of media/news literacy. Particular attention is given here to the Balkans within the broader European context, and this project will enable it to join the MEDIActive youth initiative, but also to strengthen the dialogue and post-conflict reconciliation in this region.
The main project activities include:
• Conducting training for trainers in news literacy, critical thinking, and media activism;
• Development of educational materials – curricula and textbooks in news literacy and critical thinking;
• Development of an online course in news literacy and critical thinking;
• Enhancing the TYM magazine ( by involving new authors and introducing new Balkan topics.
The project coordinator is CDER (Serbia), and partners are CID (North Macedonia); Hermes (Croatia), Bravo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), BBA (Albania), and Prima (Montenegro).
The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme – Capacity Building in the Field of Youth. It will run from the beginning of March 2024 until the end of February 2026.
#ErasmusPlus, #MEDIActiveYouth, #MediaLiteracy, #NewsLiteracy, #TransnationalYouthMagazine, #Balkans

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