Hey everyone! Guess what? We just kicked off a super cool Mobile Journalism workshop at American Corner Tirana!
We jumped right into the deep end of media smarts, all geared up to spot and bust myths spread by fake news! Our crew of eager learners got down to business, flexing their detective muscles to spot the real from the not-so-real. We got better at picking apart messages from TV, the internet, and more, figuring out what’s behind them and if they’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
The first meetup was all about understanding how knowing our media stuff can make a big difference in our world, especially when it comes to stopping the spread of dodgy info. Our young whizzes got their hands on some top-notch tricks for checking if a story is legit. Now, we look at news and stuff online with a super sharp eye, ready to spot the telltale signs of fibs and tall tales.
Then came the highlight – a creative bash where all these bright sparks used their new know-how to shine a light on the trickiness of fake news. We’re all pumped to take our media detective skills out for a spin in the real world.
And what came out of it? A bunch of really cool projects that got people talking – not just showing off what we know, but getting conversations started on why being clued up on media is a big deal and why falling for fake news is bad news.
Our big dream? To turn you all into media wizards who can spot a fake a mile away, anytime, anywhere! We’re wrapping up this workshop feeling like pros at making sense of the media maze and checking out the facts.
Come along for the ride and let’s get everyone chatting about how awesome media smarts are! 📱🎥📰🥳 #BeMediaSmart #NoMoreFakeNews #PowerToTheYouth #CheckTheFacts

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