“The Didactic Manual for Inclusive Non-Formal Educational Activities for Young Persons with and without Disabilities” serves as an essential resource in youth work, contributing to fostering inclusion and solidarity. It provides youth workers and interested practitioners with a comprehensive guide to raise
awareness among youth, to advocate for the most challenging issues in relation to disability and to create environments that are welcoming and accessible to all.
This manual is a valuable tool in the field of youth work, emphasizing the importance of disability rights and inclusion through non-formal education. Its primary aim is to enhance the competencies of youth workers and practitioners, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively incorporate inclusive practices into their activities. Youth workers and practitioners can utilize this manual as a resilient framework for understanding and advocating for disability rights within the context of non-formal education. By incorporating the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and other critical frameworks, the manual not only educates but also empowers practitioners to champion inclusion in their practices.

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