Trajnimi i dyte per aftesite e gjelbra!

Disa momente nga trajnimi i dytë i ciklit të trajnimeve për aftësitë e gjelbra me nxënës të Institutit të Nxënësve që Nuk Dëgjojnë (INND) në Tiranë, në kuadër të implementimit të projektit “Green Skills for Youth with Hearing Impairment”, me mbështetjen financiare të Ambasadës Kanadeze në Romë.  Në këtë

Seminar in Cyprus

The seminar, held in Cyprus as part of the In Touch project, focused on testing and refining the didactic manual designed to support the educational and personal development of people with disabilities (PWD). This innovative manual integrates non-formal education methodologies, promoting inclusion and accessibility in learning environments. During the seminar, educators,

Sera e re per femijet qe nuk degjojne!

Lajme të bukura   Kemi filluar tashmë trajnimin mbi aftësitë e gjelbra me nxënës të Institutit të Nxënësve që Nuk Dëgjojnë (INND) në Tiranë, në kuadër të implementimit të projektit “Green Skills for Youth with Hearing Impairment”, me mbështetjen financiare të Canada in Italy, Albania, Malta and San Marino  Sesioni i

Conference in Sarajevo

On the 17th of January a successful Conference was held in Sarajevo with Media Coverage of In Touch project. The consortium had the chance to disseminate to the general public the aspirations of the project and the work done so far Moving beyond self-referential and insubstantial initiatives for the

Nje sere e re ne Horizont!

Pertej Barrierave Beyond Barriers – Pertej Barrierave vjen me nje projekt te ri ne nje partneritet tashme disa vjecar me Institutin e Nxenesve qe nuk Degjojne. Nje sere e re edukative ne mjediset e Institutit po merr jete me mbeshtetjen e Qeverise Kanadaze nepermjet fondeve te inisiativave lokale te

In Touch-Conference in Bosnia

The “In Touch” project aims to revolutionize non-formal education and high-quality learning for young people with various physical or mental abilities, improving their participation opportunities. Spanning six countries, including three from the European Union (Italy, Malta, and Cyprus) and three from the Western Balkans (Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and

Join V-CALC Community of Practice Session

If you want to learn more about V-CALC project and how was developed the methodology for it’s platform we invite you to join the Community of Practice session online! Please register on the link below! Date of the activity is 29th February at 11am GMT.

Mobile Journalism Club

Hey everyone! Guess what? We just kicked off a super cool Mobile Journalism workshop at American Corner Tirana!  We jumped right into the deep end of media smarts, all geared up to spot and bust myths spread by fake news! Our crew of eager learners got down to business,

Results from Albania Research

Here are some of the results from Beyond Barriers – Pertej Barrierave research. Pertej Barrierave discovered when researching the actual scenario people, specifically youngsters, face when having disabilities in the country. What do you think? #CoFundedByTheEuropeanUnion#inclusionrights#disabilitiesinAlbania

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