Mobile Journalism Club

Hey everyone! Guess what? We just kicked off a super cool Mobile Journalism workshop at American Corner Tirana!  We jumped right into the deep end of media smarts, all geared up to spot and bust myths spread by fake news! Our crew of eager learners got down to business,

Results from Albania Research

Here are some of the results from Beyond Barriers – Pertej Barrierave research. Pertej Barrierave discovered when researching the actual scenario people, specifically youngsters, face when having disabilities in the country. What do you think? #CoFundedByTheEuropeanUnion#inclusionrights#disabilitiesinAlbania

Miresevjen Party!

Dy gëzime në një dite! Në kuadër të projektit “Mirësevjen party 2023” mbështetur nga Bashkia Tiranë, hapsira e piramidës u kthye në një vend mikpritës për gjithë studentët e rinj! Organizata dhe sipërmarrje të ndryshme ishin të pranishëm për të ofruar mundësi të reja për studentët e qytetit. Përtej

Theory of Change! V-calc

About the project Evidence shows that volunteering is beneficial in many fields, unfortunately the methods used to measure the impact of volunteering are lacking. The V-CALC project enables 800 volunteer managers and coordinators of all ages & diversity to measure and understand the impact of their volunteers. The objectives are to:

U mbyll me sukses trajnimi dy-ditor mbi “Ciklin e Menaxhimit të Vullnetarëve”!

Trajnimi dy-ditor ishte një përvojë e mbushur me dije, ku pjesëmarrësit kishin mundësinë të diskutonin dhe të ndanin mendime mbi vullnetarizmin në vendin tonë. Ky trajnim ishte një pjesë e projektit “Rritja e kapaciteteve për vullnetarizëm të qëndrueshëm”, i cili është mbështetur financiarisht nga Agjensia për Mbështetjen e Shoqërisë

What Makes Our Special Greenhouse So Special?

What Makes Our Special Greenhouse So Special? Through building a greenhouse at the premises of the Institution for pupils with hearing impairment webelieve in cultivating not just plants but also dreams and opportunities. Our Here’s what makes it trulyexceptional:Therapeutic Benefits: Gardening offers therapeutic benefits, helping our students improve motorskills,

Green Skills for Youth with Hearing Impairment

In the heart of every school, there lies a profound potential for growth, not just academically, butalso as a community that thrives on learning, nurturing, and inclusion. One remarkable exampleof this potential is the creation of a greenhouse in the premises of a special school. Thisgreenhouse not only provides

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