The Youth-CARE (Capacity building, Action and Responsibility for the Environment) project represents a collaborative initiative involving five civil society organizations, led by the Beyond Barriers Association in collaboration with TDM2000I, MES, TDO, and ANCE. The primary objective of this project is to increase efforts towards environmental preservation and action, with a particular focus on young individuals living in disadvantaged areas.
“Beyond Barriers” Organization is looking to hire an experienced and qualified expert to conduct a comparative study focusing on understanding the stage of knowledge regarding environmental problems and climate change among young people aged 15-18 years old living in disadvantaged areas. The study will involve a thorough examination and comparison of three case studies conducted in different countries to provide insights into the environmental awareness levels and challenges faced by youth in these communities.
Scope of work
Researcher will closely communicate and work under supervision of the Project Coordinator. The research procedure will carry out the following:
- Review existing studies on climate awareness among disadvantaged youth (15-18), identifying gaps.
- Analyze three case studies for methodologies, key findings, and recommendations, emphasizing similarities, differences, and lessons learned.
- To ensure to write a comparative study of approximately 50 pages;
- Analyze collected data using statistical and qualitative methods, presenting clear findings on patterns, trends, and variations among studied populations.
- Prepare a concise comparative study report with an executive summary, methodology, findings, recommendations, and implications. Suitable for stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider community.
Check the document below for more information!
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“Youth–Capacity building, Action and Responsibility for the Environment” (Youth-CARE)