Miresevjen Party- promoting In touch

During the “Mirsevjen Party” project organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Tirana, we proudly promoted the “IN TOUCH” project to a wider audience. This event provided an excellent platform to share the project’s innovative tools and outcomes, including the Manual of Non-Formal Education Activities and the Mobile App

Testing the didactic Manual: Inclusive Football Activity

This activity, part of the “In Touch Project’s Inclusive Non-Formal Education Manual,” brought together students with and without hearing impairments for an engaging football game designed to foster empathy, non-verbal communication, and inclusivity. All participants wore handmade goggles that simulated visual impairments, offering them a unique sensory challenge. The

Media minds- Podcasting for Social Impact

Trajnimi i dytë i projektit Media Minds, “Podcasting for Social Impact” përfundoi me sukses! Të rinjtë pjesëmarrës mësuan teknika të tregimit të historive për të krijuar podkaste me mesazhe të fuqishme dhe të lidhura ngushtë me audiencën. Ata mbuluan edhe rëndësinë e etikës mediatike dhe verifikimin e fakteve, duke

V-Calc 3-rd Newsletter is here!

Are you passionate about understanding and showcasing the true impact of volunteer work? The V-CALC platform is here to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to effectively measure and report volunteer contributions. volunteeringimpact.eu Through our free online training sessions, you will gain practical experience in using

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