CORYA (“Cooperative Open & Responsible research on Youth engagement in Albania”) is a sub-granted project by REINFORCING (“Responsible tEerritories and Institutions eNable and Foster Open Research and inClusive Innovation for traNsitions Governance”) project’s 1st Incubator Call, within the framework of the Programme “HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-40”.
The scope of CORYA is: To introduce the ORRI methodology to young researchers, in particular to enhance their understanding of the citizen science concept with a focus on the application of youth work and youth engagement and consequently to foster the collaborative approach among interested stakeholders towards the youth sector in the Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystem of Albania.
– Introduce and promote citizen science to Albanian researchers and practitioners through an onsite visit, transferring know-how, and fostering long-term collaborations.
– Train young researchers in the ORRI methodology through e-learning tools to get equipped and apply it in the youth sector and other fields.
– Enhance understanding and application of youth work and citizen science concepts by organizing a seminar with academia, researchers, and practitioners of the youth sector in Albania.
The beneficiaries include: Researchers, Youth Workers, Academia, Civil Society Organizations in Albania.
The project is to be implemented within a 1-year duration, starting on September 2024 and ending on August 2025, by the Lead Partner, new-comer in the field (Beyond Barriers Association – BBA) operating in Tirana, Albania and the Partner, experienced in the field (Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH – ZSI), operating in Vienna, Austria.
*Funded by The European Union through REINFORCING Project #ORRI