Media Literacy Lab- Artikuj nga te rinjte

 The articles crafted by young minds during Media Literacy workshops are not just words on a page, they represent a powerful synthesis of critical thinking, creativity, and digital fluency.  After learning more about media education and fake news, young people were able to create their own articles on different

Media Literacy Lab- Artikuj nga te rinjte

The articles crafted by young minds during Media Literacy workshops are not just words on a page, they represent a powerful synthesis of critical thinking, creativity, and digital fluency. After learning more about media education and fake news, young people were able to create their own articles on different

Media Literacy Lab- Punime nga te rinjte

 The articles crafted by young minds during Media Literacy workshops are not just words on a page, they represent a powerful synthesis of critical thinking, creativity, and digital fluency.  After learning more about media education and fake news, young people were able to create their own articles on different

NEW PROJECT on the way

Kick-off meeting within the MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans project was held in Sarajevo Representatives of partner organizations gathered on April 15 in Sarajevo for the first project team meeting within the project “MEDIActive Youth: Informing the Balkans,” which is being implemented with the support of the European Commission

First Capacity Building Training! V-Calc

We are happy to announce the successful completion of our training session on “Assessing the Impact of Volunteering in Europe”! With 21 managers of volunteers from Albania, the training was a productive and engaging experience for all involved. Throughout the session, we introduced the V-CALC project co-funded by the

Fifth training on green skills!

We jointly conducted the fifth training of the green skills training cycle with the students of the Institute of Deaf Students (INND) The training was carried out within the framework of the implementation of the project “Green Skills for Youth with Hearing Impairment” with the financial support of the

Ekperienca e Emanueles mbi projektin “Aftësi të Gjelbra për Nxënësit me Vështirësi në Dëgjimin

 Ndiqni eksperiencen e Emanuelës, nxënëse pranë Institutit të Nxënësve që Nuk Dëgjojnë ndërsa ndan ndikimin e projektit “Aftësi të Gjelbra për Nxënësit me Vështirësi në Dëgjimin”.  Video është realizuar në kuadër të projektit “Aftësi të Gjelbra për Nxënësit me Vështirësi në Dëgjim” mbështetur nga CFLI (Canada Fund for Local Initiatives). 

Fourth training for green skills!

The joy of the first fruits of our educational greenhouse at the Institute of Deaf Students (INND)! Fresh and healthy vegetables planted less than a month ago!  Moments from the fourth training of the green skills training cycle, within the framework of the implementation of the project “Green Skills

Third training of green skills!

 We have already completed the third training from the cycle of trainings for green skills with students of the Institute of Deaf Students (INND) in Tirana, within the framework of the implementation of the project “Green Skills for Youth with Hearing Impairment”, with the financial support of the Canadian

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