In Touch-Conference in Bosnia

The “In Touch” project aims to revolutionize non-formal education and high-quality learning for young people with various physical or mental abilities, improving their participation opportunities. Spanning six countries, including three from the European Union (Italy, Malta, and Cyprus) and three from the Western Balkans (Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and

Kick off meeting- Youth Care

We’re happy to launch our new project under Erasmus+ program! Youth-CARE project will run for the next 2 years, led by Beyond Barriers Association in collaboration with 4 expert organizations in environment and non-formal education. This project is anchored in our belief that environment is a crosscutting theme of

Trajnimi i pare mbi Lidershipin!

Sot shënuam fillimin e Programit për Ngritjen e Kapacitetev edhe Mentorimin e të rinjve si pjesë e projektit “Fuziqimi i Gjeneratës së Re të Liderve dhe Aktivistëve Shqiptarë”. Të rinjtë u bënë pjesë e Workshop-it “edukimi mbi aftësitë e lidershipit”, që u fokusua në eksplorimin e sferave të lidershipit,

Join V-CALC Community of Practice Session

If you want to learn more about V-CALC project and how was developed the methodology for it’s platform we invite you to join the Community of Practice session online! Please register on the link below! Date of the activity is 29th February at 11am GMT.

Visual thinking a new project in the horizons!

Today the Kick-off meeting for the Visual Thinking 4 You(th)  project led by SOS Diritti e Legalita was launched. The meeting took place in Rome and brought together the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, North Macedonia, and Montenegro, each dedicated to supporting young people with dyslexia. Our discussions

Angazhimi Komunitar

Në ambientet e American Corner, Tiranë u zhvillua workshop-i me tematikë “ Angazhimi Komunitar” si pjese e programit “Ngritja e kapaciteteve të të Rinjve dhe Mentorimi”. Aktiviteti u fokusua në konceptet e angazhimit komunitar, si te jemi qytetar aktiv dhe të mësuarit qytetar. Një falenderim i veçantë shkon për Znj.

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