Speak up against hate speech

SpeakUP against hate speech!

SpeakUp is the newest project of 2021 that BBA has started implementing from January. This project aims to increase the public awareness and open up a social discourse by exposing hate speech, and calling for a cross sectorial approach and an enabling environment for commonly developing counter narratives in



VolunteeringDotAL is a 15 months project that has tarted its implementation in January 2021 and is  led by Beyond Barriers In Coperation with Projekte Nderkombetare Vullnetare and Centre “rogress and Development”. This project is financially supported by LevizAlbania, a project of the Sc The project seeks to create a


Project Summary Walking the path of reconciliation- empowering communities for a peaceful society (Walk On) is a capacity building project financed by European Union under the Erasmus plus Program. The lead organization is Beyond Barriers Albania in cooperation with five other partners from: Kosovo-Lens, North Macedonia-YCC, Serbia-EKC, Croatia- LDA

regional volunteer exchange program


ROUTE WB6 ROUTE WB6 is called the newest initiative, where BBA is an implementing partner and will work for the next three years focusing on the topic of volunteering. This three-year project is led by the Tirana-based Regional Youth Cooperation Office-RYCO, and will be implemented by the South East

Route WB6 Workshop

As part of the Route WB6 project, the second workshop on the design of the exchange program in the Western Balkans region took place. The event was held in Bitola in Northern Macedonia from 27.01- 01.02.2010 and aimed to create a framework with ideas for the youth exchange program

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