Recent news and articles
Here you will find recent news about BBA work, updates and articles that share our work, collaborations, single activities, etc.
“Jemi edhe ne – kamp veror për fëmijët me aftësi te kufizuara intelektuale!

Në kuadër të projektit “Jemi edhe ne – kamp veror për fëmijët me aftësi të kufizuara intelektuale” nxënësit e shkollës speciale “Luigj Gurakuqi” po përmirësojnë dijet dhe rrisin ndërveprimin shoqëror nëpërmjet aktiviteteve dhe lojërave edukuese dhe argëtuese.Na ndiqni çdo ditë për më shumë…* Ky projekt organizohet në kuadër të programit Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisë 2022 me mbështetjen financiare të Kongresi Rinor Kombëtar në bashkëpunim me Bashkinë Tiranë
5 te rinj nga Pertej Barrierave marrin pjese ne shkembimin rinor ne Brno-Ceki!

Erika, Eldjan, Gledisa, Judita dhe Klea janë 5 të rinjtë e organizatës Përtej Barrierave të cilët janë aktualisht duke marrë pjesë në shkëmbimin rinor që zhvillohet në Brno, Çeki. Projekti zhvillohet nën kuadrin e programit të Erasmus Plus KA1, nga organitata jonë partnere Cesta Rozvoje nga Republika Çeke! Projekti ka sjellë së bashku 30 të rinj nga Shqipëria, Rumania, Çekia, Bullgaria, Ukraina dhe Jordania për të promovuar jetesën e shëndetshme dhe sportet me të cilat të rinjtë mund të angazhohen për të ndërtuar jetën e tyre në mënyrë më të shëndetshme!
Organizata Pertej Barrierave mori pjese ne eventin e organizuar nga Partners Albania for Change and Development ne javen e shoqerise civile!

Tirana May 12 2022
Përtej Barrierave po të kërkon TY!

Tirana May 11 2022
Dita e Europës!

Tirana May 9 2022
#JavaeShoqërisëCivile2022 #TëRinjtëNëVeprim
Çfarë mund të ndërtojmë mbi vlerat e BE-së?

Fier May 10 2022
Thank YOU SALTO YOUTH South East Europe Resource Centre! We are ready to continue the work in promoting EU programs in Albania!

Tirana May 10
#JavaeShoqërisëCivile2022 #TëRinjtëNëVeprim

Shkoder, Vlore May 9 2022
Beyond the Barriers took part in opening of IDAHOT weeks 2022

Tirane May 4 2022
European Solidarity Corps 2021-202

Tirana May 3
Four members of #BeyondBarriersAssociation participated in the training course " Being young in the Covid-19 pandemic. Let's change your NEET status and mindset"

Athens, Greece April 26
Rrruga drejt të Drejtave të Njeriut ne Patos

April 26 Patos
“Rruga drejt të Drejtave të Njeriut” këtë herë ndalon në Vlorë.

Vlore April 21 2022
Recognition and promotion of volunteerism in Albania through the improvement of the existing legal framework

In the framework of VullnetarizmiPikëAL project, BBA and CPD have published the Policy Brief “Recognition and promotion of volunteerism in Albania through the improvement of the existing legal framework” which comes as a result of a long process of consultation with all key stakeholders in the volunteering field.
The Policy Brief introduces 3 main recommendations that seek to propose the start of a process for improvement of the volunteering in Albania.
BBA has already started the meetings with policy makers in an attempt to advocate and lobby for the improvement of the volunteering infrastructure by introducing the Policy Brief recommendations.
A green house for disabled children- our crowd funding campaign in national media

The Director of Beyond Barriers Mrs. Ana Dervishi was last week invited to the show “Vizioni i Pasdites” on Vision + TV, to talk about our initiative to build a greenhouse for children with disabilities.
Our initiative is one of the 5 causes selected by the first Albanian crowd funding platform Smile.AL and is currently active to welcome other donations!
If you want to join the cause, we invite you to watch the show in this link: Vizioni i pasdites – Bank lancon platformen e pare ne Shqiperi per dhurime online
If you want to DONATE click this link: Serë për fëmijët dhe të rinjtë me aftësi të kufizuara intelektuale – SmileAL
BBA in European Youth Event 2021

From 8-9 October 2021, BBA participated in the biggest European youth event #EYE2021 organised in Strasburg, France by the European Parliament. BBA was part of the Albanian delegation of Kongresi Rinor Kombëtar composed of 15 youth representatives from the team of Tirana European Youth Capital 2022.
The event which was attended by 10000 young people from all over Europe took part online and offline and provided use with a great opportunity to share the message of raising up the voice for youth, discussing and networking with organizations all over Europe and representing Tirana European Youth Capital 2022.

The first National Conference of Volunteering 1.0 in Albania

On 31 May 2010, BBA in cooperation with local partners PVN and CPD, and the support of Leviz Albania- a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, hosted the biggest national conference on volunteering in Albania. The conference was also the main event for the opening of Local Democracy Week 2021 which is yearly organised by Leviz Albania.
The activity comes as part of VullnetarizmiPikeAl project that aims to create a multi-dimensional enabling environment where volunteering is encouraged, supported and recognized as a key mechanism for promoting active citizenship, solidarity and social cohesion in Albania. The project improves the existing legal and social infrastructure with bottom-up systemic interventions and proposes a functional system with innovative approaches and direct impact on volunteering that is inclusive, qualitative and with standards, for all stakeholders.
The conference was attended physically by over 100 representatives of central and local government, civil society organizations, researchers, academics, project managers, volunteers, business representatives, citizens and other supporting actors interested in volunteering from all over Albania. Representatives of Ministry of Finance and Economy, Deputy Minister Dajna Sorensen greeted the event and expressed the willingness to discuss and find a common approach to regulate the legal and social volunteering environment in Albania. While Deputy Minister of Education, Sports and Youth Bora Muzhaqi, highlighted the ministries willingness to support the further development of the youth volunteering field and promised to support initiative that target young people.
Two main documents were than introduced to the guest, the national study “Volunteering in Albania” that produced data and statistic on the citizens perception of volunteering in the country and a social and legal analysis with 5 different examples from Europe, where volunteering laws and policies were presented as practices where we can learn from in the engagement to regulate the issues with the Albanian Law on Volunteering. The guest of the conference worked in 3 main groups to create concrete recommendations that will then feed the creation of a Policy Brief that will be used as a tool to advocate and lobby for the volunteer infrastructure improvement.
A panel of legal experts and CSO representatives also discussed and analysed the law effects on the sector and what are the current challenges and barriers faced by the organisations as the main organisers of volunteer opportunities in the country.
The event was closed with a presentation of the first draft of the national digital platform which will be launched during October 2021.
#vullnetarizmipikeal #levizperdemokracivendore #LevizAlbania # jdv2021
Our first international event
History in the making…
17-nth anniversary

THANK YOU to all our VOLUNTEERS, MEMBERS and STAFF through out the years, who contributed with all the hard work, creativity, passion and dedication!
AND if you would like to WISH US HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PLEASE consider DONATING to our cause of supporting 127 children with disability to have a greenhouse in their school!
THANK YOU to everyone that has donated already! ❤

Thirrje për subjekte- Dizenjimi dhe ndërtimi i platformës dixhitale

Thirrje për ekspert- Call for expert
ALB: PB po kërkon të punësojë një ekspert/e për pozicionin “Zhvilluesi dhe editues i përmbajtjes së platformës“. Gjeni ToR më poshtë dhe nëse mendoni se keni aftësitë e kërkuara, aplikoni duke dorëzuar dokumentat e nevojshëm deri më 25 Mars 2021 në ora 16:00.

Thirrje për ekspert- Call for expert
ALB: BBA po kërkon të punësojë një ekspert për pozicionin “Zhvilluesi dhe editues i përmbajtjes së platformës“. Gjeni ToR më poshtë, dhe nëse mendoni se keni aftësitë e kërkuara, aplikoni duke dorëzuar dokumentat e nevojshëm deri më 18 Mars 2021 deri në ora 16:00.

Thirrje për subjekte- Dizenjimi dhe ndërtimi i platformës dixhitale
ALB: PB po kërkon të kontraktojë një subjekt për shërbimin “Dizenjimi dhe ndërtimi i platformës dixhitale“. Për të aplikuar shkarkoni më poshtë Termat e Referencës (1) dhe Ofertën e specifikuar (1.1) dhe dërgoni aplikimin tuaj duke dorëzuar dokumentat e nevojshëm deri më 24 Mars 2021 deri në ora 16:00.
Për pyetje mund të kontaktoni në adresat [email protected] dhe [email protected] deri në datën 18 Mars 2021.