Thirrje per ekspert!

Thirrje për Ekspert për Zhvillimin e Planeve Lokale të Veprimit Rinor në bashki për projektin “Voice & Impact -Fuqizimi i Këshillave Rinor për Ndryshimin e Komunitetit”. Gjeni Bashkangjitur TOR dhe oferten financiare!

We are happy to announce the successful completion of our 10th training session on “Assessing the Impact of Volunteering in Europe”! With managers of volunteers from Turkiye and the EU, the training was a productive and engaging experience for all involved. Throughout the session, we introduced the V-CALC project

Comparative Study- Youth Environmental Education

This study is compiled within the framework of the EU co-funded Youth Care Project, presents case studies on young people’s understanding of environmental issues and protection in targeted communities across Albania, Greece, and Montenegro. These studies gather primary data to explore young people’s awareness and knowledge of environmental mechanisms

V-Calc Training session

We are happy to announce the successful completion of our 8th training session on “Assessing the Impact of Volunteering in Europe”! With managers of volunteers from Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia the training was a productive and engaging experience for all involved. Throughout the session, we introduced the V-CALC

Aktivitete ne Pazarin e Ri me Qendren Rinore Levizese

Bashkohuni me Qendrën Rinore Lëvizëse në Pazarin e Ri! Fëmijët dhe të rinjtë janë tashmë duke shijuar lojëra argëtuese, realitetin virtual, lojëra tavoline, art & crafts dhe shumë aktivitete të tjera çdo ditë nga ora 18:00-21:00. Ju mirëpresim! Falenderojmë drejtorinë e rinisë Bashkia Tiranë, Njesia Administrative Nr.10, Credins Foundation

Training session on V-Calc calculator

We are happy to announce the successful completion of our seventh training session on “Assessing the Impact of Volunteering in Europe”! With managers of volunteers from all over Europe, the training was a productive and engaging experience for all involved. Throughout the session, we introduced the V-CALC project co-funded

Research in the frame of IN touch

In the six countries participating in the project, over 300 services and activities accessible to young people with and without disabilities have been mapped. The results of the research will be used in the development of a mobile application that represents a platform where it will be possible to

Youth Exchange on Environment Education

On 5-10 July we successfully implemented the Youth Exchange Activity of Youth Care Project! This was an important milestone of the project where 25 young people from Albania, Greece, Italy and Montenegro tested out 15 tools to be used by youth workers and educators when working with Environmental Issues.

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