Raporti Kombëtar mbi Pjesëmarrjen Politike, Sociale dhe Ekonomike të të Rinjve – 2023

Raporti Kombëtar mbi Pjesëmarrjen Politike, Sociale dhe Ekonomike të të Rinjve – 2023 ishte një event që mblodhi së bashku mbi 140 përfaqësues nga institucione publike, donatorë, organizata rinore, akademikë, media dhe të rinj nga shkollat e mesme dhe universitetet. Ky forum shërbeu për të prezantuar dhe diskutuar gjetjet

In touch Application-Promo

We organized a hands-on testing session for the InTouch application with 22 young people at Shkolla Teknike Ekonomike. The session started with a presentation of the “InTouch” project, introducing participants to its objectives and how it supports accessibility for individuals with disabilities. After the introduction, participants downloaded the InTouch app

Here comes the Mobile app of INTOUCH

Here is the video of the beta version of the app created as part of the In Touch Project aimed at mapping accessible facilities in the six partner nations of the consortium (Albania, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus).https://www.facebook.com/share/v/18ToDyZ5qa


Here is the video summary of the actions and goals achieved in 24 months from In Touch Project Activities that saw the participation of 6 international organisations, youth workers, representatives of institutions and young people with disabilities. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/18EQVNQNAt

Final In touch Conference

The final conference of the “IN TOUCH” project took place from December 11–14, 2024, in Cagliari, Sardinia, bringing together partners, stakeholders, and participants from the Western Balkans and EU countries. This event marked the successful conclusion of a project dedicated to enhancing the inclusion of young people with disabilities

Fun activity at INND

As part of the In Touch Project manual for inclusive non-formal education, we organized a unique “Football with Goggles” activity to foster empathy, teamwork, and non-verbal communication skills among students with and without hearing impairments. The activity involved students creating and wearing handmade goggles that simulated limited vision, providing an experience

V-CALC Impact Platform

Më 30 Tetor u zhvillua Mirësevjen Party – festa më e madhe e mirëseardhjes për studentët në Tiranë! Ky event ishte një mundësi unike për qindra të rinj që po nisin rrugëtimin e tyre në qytet. Me panairin informativ, ku morën pjesë universitete, organizata dhe biznese, diskutime mbi korsitë

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