Training session on V-Calc platform

We are happy to announce the successful completion of our 5th training session on “Assessing the Impact of Volunteering in Europe”! With managers of volunteers from all over Europe, the training was a productive and engaging experience for all involved. Throughout the session, we introduced the V-CALC project co-funded

First Capacity Building Training! V-Calc

We are happy to announce the successful completion of our training session on “Assessing the Impact of Volunteering in Europe”! With 21 managers of volunteers from Albania, the training was a productive and engaging experience for all involved. Throughout the session, we introduced the V-CALC project co-funded by the

Join V-CALC Community of Practice Session

If you want to learn more about V-CALC project and how was developed the methodology for it’s platform we invite you to join the Community of Practice session online! Please register on the link below! Date of the activity is 29th February at 11am GMT.

Miresevjen Party!

Dy gëzime në një dite! Në kuadër të projektit “Mirësevjen party 2023” mbështetur nga Bashkia Tiranë, hapsira e piramidës u kthye në një vend mikpritës për gjithë studentët e rinj! Organizata dhe sipërmarrje të ndryshme ishin të pranishëm për të ofruar mundësi të reja për studentët e qytetit. Përtej

Theory of Change! V-calc

About the project Evidence shows that volunteering is beneficial in many fields, unfortunately the methods used to measure the impact of volunteering are lacking. The V-CALC project enables 800 volunteer managers and coordinators of all ages & diversity to measure and understand the impact of their volunteers. The objectives are to:

Kick-off meeting! V-calc

Pertej barrierve ishte pjesë ne kick off meeting and mbajtur ne Bruksel per projektin V-calc. Projekti ka 6 partnere nga Europa dhe Ballkani ku Pertej Barrierave eshte nje nga partneret e projektit dhe Center for European Volunteering eshte partner qe eshte drejton. Qendra për Vullnetarizëm Evropian Projekti rreth: Provat

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