Yolo (Youth Online Learning Opportunities)

Three activists from the organization Beyond Barriers, Emiliano Abedini, Irda Hoxha and Dejvi Qallia are conducting training this week in Cagliari, Sardinia on online learning opportunities for young people. The Yolo project, entitled “Youth Online Learning Opportunities”, is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus Plus Program, with

Realize with your eyes

The project “Realize with your eyes” in collaboration with the Serbian organization Art Mreza held an Evaluation Meeting as the last activity of the project.The project was focused on promoting entrepreneurship and vocational training of young people who are deaf and mute in the field of photography, more specifically

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Do It Yourself

Do It Yourself Home DO IT YOURSELF DO-IT-YOURSELF COUNTER AND ALTER-NATIVE NARRATIVES AGAINST HATE SPEECH Counter and alternative narratives (CANs) combat hate speech by discrediting and deconstructing the narratives on which they are based while pro-posing (alternative) narratives based on human rights and democratic values, such as openness, respect

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